Monday 28 February 2011

Transitions for humanity -preparing for the shift

We are in a time of profound and fundamental shifts in consciousness. We need to educate ourselves regarding this truth and gain a deeper understanding regarding this profound consciousness / energetic transformation that is happening NOW. This blog provides valuable insights regarding 2012 and the Ascension process.
A shift in human consciousness appears to be occurring.  This is a time of extraordinary human/planetary awakening and transformation A percentage of the population already appear to be very in tune with this and are awakening to a whole new reality. We are experiencing a new perspective to our old paradigm ways of thinking and behaving. There is alot of evidence to indicate that humanity is in the middle of a long-awaited shift in consciousness as has been predicted by many indigenous cultures worldwide. This energy shift is very apparent nearly every time you open a newspaper, turn on the news  or research on the internet. 

 people around the world are noticing:
  • The breakdown of many old structures, governments, churches and corporations, 
  • Individuals waking up to the reality that life and our history is not as it seems- we have been lied to
  • The structures of society, our so called elected leaders and authority is being questioned
  • It is evident to most people there is the ecological breakdown of numerous Earth systems,
  • There appears to be a widespread perception of time speeding up- even children are commenting on it 
  • Drastic changes in weather patterns globally,
  • There's a big increase in exceptionally gifted children, and many young people appear very 'grown up'
  • The emergence of alternative therapies, people seeking natural healing and remedies
  • People becoming less “religious” and more “spiritual,” 
  • The dawning of  new communities and social structures being called for
Much has been discussed over the past few years about the shift being a cosmic event and very much linked to the Mayan count calender, with many doomsday interpreations of what will happen in 2012 being reported via the internet and media. It's become a minefield of disinformation, confusion, fear, excitement and hype. The fact is, no one REALLY knows for sure what to expect, and even if certain factions of the Elite, Nasa, Military Industrial Complex and other secretive agencies DO have an idea whats happening, then they are not telling the general public!  We can only speculate what's materialising based on different factual information and diligent research.

The significance of the winter solstice on December 21, 2012, according to the Mayan, Aztec, Incan and Hopi traditions, is that this date marks the close of several cycles of time. The first is the end of the 26,000-year Mayan calendar, also called a “precession” and the Annus Magnus (“Great Year”), considered to be a birth cycle for Earth. Mayan timekeepers believe that human evolution unfolds as a result of such precisely calibrated master cycles of time. They predict that Earth and humanity are about to be birthed into a new reality with a dramatic advance in consciousness.

A very informative and detailed breakdown by Ian Xel Lungold on what the Mayan calender depicts can be found here

Evolution by Intelligent Design?

In my research, I recently read that from a Mayan perspective, 26,000 years ago marked the beginning of humanity becoming Individualized, and moving away from being unconsciously united with the creator, becoming divided from source and developing a separate individual consciousness.
So, I understand this to mean 2012 marks humanity as a collective, finally returning to the source as conscious, aware individual co-creators!. 
Apparently, it takes 225 million Earth years for the Milky Way Galaxy to make one complete rotation in the sky, which is believed to be a birth cycle for our galaxy.  Interestingly, I discovered that 225 million years ago, Earth's landmass, Pangaea, began separating into what we now know as the seven continents. there is also supposed to be an energetic correspondence between Earth's twelve tectonic plates and the twelve pairs of cranial nerves in the human brain, which are themselves linked to the biblical Twelve Tribes! 
Another fascinating theory by researcher and scientist David Wilcock is there's a “harmonic relationship” between the 26,000-year Mayan calendar and 26-million-year period between extinctions/evolutionary leaps in the fossil record, Wilcock notes that all Earth species have suddenly evolved, or metamorphosed, every 26 million years, making a strong case for “an outside energetic influence that operates in a regular, cyclic fashion.

Russian scientists have discovered that the 97% empty space in our DNA isn’t empty. They believe it is filled with something called torsion wave energy. Scientists now believe that torsion wave energy not only exists before the DNA, that it actually tells the DNA what to do. Our DNA is a hard drive. The energy from our soul and heart organizes the torsion wave energy and tells the DNA how to arrange itself. This creates not only our physical body but our whole REALITY.I believe that the ancient Mayans and other indigenous people somehow knew and understood this very well.

What could this mean? Considered together, this evidence suggests that planet earth and her human inhabitants, have both undergone “separating out” or individuation before.  Based on this inter-connection, it's also reasonable to expect that as human consciousness increases, Earth and its inhabitants will also undergo a significant and observable transformation. We are being re-birthed!

some of the common beliefs about what might  happen after 2012 are:

  • We will have a pole shift, a literal shift in the position of the Earth's North  Pole
  • An inter-dimensional door into the heart of space and time will open
  • Planet earth is turning into a star
  • The cosmos will be reborn or recreated[
  • We will reach the Zero Point of the celestial process - it will be collective spiritual birth
  • Humans will experience a DNA upgrade
Galactic Alignment
The Galactic Alignment is the alignment of the December solstice sun with the Galactic equator. This occurs as a result of the  precession of the equinoxes, which is caused by the earth wobbling very slowly on its axis and shifts the position of the equinoxes and solstices one degree every 71.5 years. Because the sun is one-half of a degree wide, it will take the December solstice sun 36 years to precess through the Galactic equator . This Galactic Alignment occurs only once every 26,000 years, and was what the ancient Maya were pointing to with the 2012 end-date of their Long Count calendar.

 Ancient cultures recognised four major dates within each year: the two solstices (when days are at their longest or shortest) and the two equinoxes (when the lengths of day and night are equal). They could tell when these dates were approaching by watching which stars were on the horizon at sunrise and sunset, and where they were relative to the sun. If you watched for long enough, for hundreds of years, then it became apparent that the stars were moving slightly out of position each year. The star that was due east at the winter solstice sunset 70 years ago is one degree out today. The Greek astronomer Hipparchus (c. 190-120 BC) is widely acknowledged as the discoverer of the precession of the equinoxes, yet the ancient Egyptians and Maya were also aware of it
On four occasions within the 25,800-year cycle our galactic centre aligns with the sunrise of a solstice or equinox. The last time it occurred was on a fall equinox 6,450 years ago, approximately the dawn of Old World civilisations.
On Dec 21, 2012, which is a winter solstice (Northern Hemisphere) this centre will align with our sun once more


My understanding of the meaning of ascension is that its a process of growth and transition- either mentally,spiritually or evolutionary -and it involves both our planet and humanity. Many people believe we are at this stage as a direct result of obtaining a certain level of wisdom and knowledge as a civilization, but I think it is so much more than that. On a human level it is about: 
  • Awakening to a greater sense of connectedness  . 
  • Clearing, healing and evolving our energies into a higher frequency...
  • Ascending to a higher vibrational  level, birthing a new human species.This awakening, evolutionary process is a cosmic celestial event of the highest order!
Ascension is when we leave one mode of being and rise into another higher, faster, purer one. It is when we make changes in our perspective, our preferences and our way of moving through life. We can say, at these times, we are moving from the third dimension toward the fifth.. As we ascend toward the fifth dimension, we step up awareness in all aspects of who we are.
  • Emotionally, we become less volatile and more joyous.
  • Mentally, we experience balance and an integration of our intuition and analytical skills.
  • Spiritually, we awaken our creative genius.
As we take these steps toward total integration and alignment, we may experience a number of symptoms. Here is a list of common ones
  • Friends you’ve known for a long time are appearing different to you and you have little interest in contact
  • Interest in work or the passion for hobbies you might have had start to wane
  • Your sexual appetite has changed. Usually subsided.
  • Your vision may be slightly different. Colors may be brighter or vision more blurry.
  • Maybe experience the feelings of sadness or loneliness or grief at the loss of your old perspective and life
  • Relationship to food changes. The type of food that you'r now attracted to is different than it used to be.
  • Your body feels unusual and you dont have the same connection with it as before. less interest in fashion
  • Your sleep pattern changes. Often awake late into the night. Erratic patterns and less sleep needed
  • You are spending more time alone, and enjoying it. You have little interest in socialising.
We are all on the leading edge of an extraordinary shift in reality! .Each of us will be inspired, stimulated, encouraged and, in many ways, forced to change. More and more of us around the world are being sparked by our intuition and inner promptings to step out of our comfort zones and reach into new domains of experience. Casting off the old ways of feeling, thinking and being, Making way for new insights and realizations about ourselves and our planet and universe! 

here are some of the ways I believe we can all actively support our personal ascension process to assist us along our transformational journey...
  • Taking full responsibility and releasing all old "victim" patterns
  • Clearing/detoxing of the physical body and releasing addictions/attachments
  • Embracing unconditional love and non-judgment  
  • Natural healing support for both the etheric and physical bodies
  • Meditation to enhance communications and help raise vibration  
  • Opening communication with spiritual guides/teachers
  • Expanding beliefs and opening to new paradigms
  • Setting clear intentions and speaking with honesty
  • Being of greater service to others 
Many individuals and organizations are working tirelessly to help other people around the planet wake up to whats happening and ease the transitions. I believe there is also help from other dimensions in the form of  Angels, extraterrestrials, and Ascended Masters, who are flooding this plane with guidance, wisdom, information, and techniques to support the successful unfolding of this ascension plan.
So, if you are reading this, then the chances are that your certainly experiencing the ascension energies in your own unique way, and I want to assure you that your not alone!  It’s time for us all to pull things together, thrust ourselves into doing whatever we are intuitively drawn to do. In addition to working on ourselves, we all share a common goal to assist each other to expand our awareness, clear and heal our energies, and open ourselves to our highest divine wisdom and understanding. So,I invite you to step forward and embrace the transitions and changes as they manifest!  We are the ones we have been waiting for....


Saturday 26 February 2011

Preparation for a world 'melt down'


Global changes.
Over the past few years there has been much talk, debate and media hype about 2012, the mayan count calander, earth changes, pole shifts, tsunamis and a myriad of other horrific cataclysmic disasters that we on earth could experience in the coming few years. Major film companies and Hollywood have cashed in and made millions selling fear to the masses, and quite frankly, when i first started to look into it all about 4 years ago, I confess to being more than a little spooked, and decided to investigate...
Wow, little did I know how much of an emotional  journey it would be, the multiple layers that would unfold, how many dots I would be joining and how damned deep the rabbit hole really goes with regards to our world history, politics, the hidden technologies, planetry weather manipulations, secret space programs and the secret societies whos memberships includes our well known leaders, movers and shakers within the major corporations...but thats another story and another blog entirely!!...
For now, I just want to stick to the issues of how we can all  collectvely align ourselves and prepare mentally, physically and spiritually for any upcoming upheaval and change.

If anything major was going to happen on earth,either financial, man made or natural disasters,  its my opinion that the powers that be (TPTB), the bankers, brokers, puppet government and their handlers higher up in the chain of command would definately NOT tell us, as they want the working mice to keep grinding away at the wheel right up until the last second... its all about as usual until its too late!
Anyone who TRULY BELIEVES that our so called 'elected' leaders or bankers and other corporate 'elite' give a damn about us as a whole are sadly misguided. Those rats will be taking care of their own ship and wont be concerned with us all sinking . In the New World Order agenda, we are expendable commodities.
With the worlds financial bubble about to burst, recent major uprisings in Egypt, Tunisia,Libya and other countries joining forces to rise up against tyranny and the added factors of terrible weather conditions ruining crops worldwide, we are already starting to see the prices of oil, food, vegtables, fruit and grains increase dramatically- and this is forcast to continue! There is no turning away from the fact that globally we are officially in the dogs doodoo.

When i speak to people about this, many simply cannot even comprehend this situation becoming critical and are deeply hypnotized by TV, gameshows, rigged news and truly are not aware of whats going on and how this could all affect us. Those who are over a certain age and have experienced wars, droughts and times of extreme hardship will try and reasssure me that its temporary and things will all return to normal at some point, and I am reminded that everything runs in cycles and there is no point in worrying.
My reply is this; yes indeed, somewhere down the line there will be balance and harmony again, however, in the meantime there are two generations of humans ( many millions if not a billion) living in the western world who are totally dependent on the grid, cashpoints churning out borrowed money, supermarket food, microwave dinners and have absolutely no self sufficiency skills atall!!  ( this pretty much includes myself aswell, apart from the fact i know how to cook healthy meals) Most people used to certain standards of living in the western countries are not equiped to deal with mega hyper-inflation and will have a rude awakening if panic sets in and the masses are left floundering in shock and bewilderment.
The question of what will happen to so many people if they are not at the very least prepared on a basic level of emergency is something that makes me very uneasy and I urgenly want to convey the importance of taking pro active steps as a little insurance! Documentaries on survival have claimed that it only takes 24 hours for ordinary citizens to turn aggressive, ferrel and very dangerous when all the food shelves are empty, no water is coming out of the taps and basic ammenities and all aspects of ordinary life as we know it have been lost.

What should everyone be doing right now?
Firstly, we need to remain calm yet vigilant and start helping others to quickly wake up and smell the rot! Individually and collectivly we CAN help ourselves to ride through certain storms and survive them without too much pain. It's just about being aware, adjusting to another paradigm of reality and making sensible practical decisions that will help in the transition.
All these potential events I mention are out of the hands of ordinary folk, so getting ourselves into a flurry of worry, becoming angry or sinking into depression and staring into the pity pot isnt going to change things or be helpful.

we can take practical measures :
  • Stash some money at home away from banks for 'emergency' spending if that time comes...
  • Possibly cash in some policies or savings invested - With so much instability, nothing is safe or guaranteed 
  • Stock up on food as much as we can afford and store. Dried food, bottled water, cans, tins.
  • Pack 'grab n go' bags/camping gear and emergency survival items for each member of family and store them safely
  • Teach yourself how to grow veg fruit and herbs from the windowsill, gardens or balconies and start doing it.
  • Learn how to cook and bake from scratch. freeze as much as possible so there is enough to share if needed in a crisis
  • Go for walks or bicycle rides and pick healing berries and herbs for free! Learn about the abundance of nature
  • Invest in a good first aid kit, natural remedies and vitamins and herbs for you and the family
  • Get all your relevant health checks up to date and start a health and fitness programme
  • Buy some books or print off online info on survival 'how to' manuals
  • Get together groups of friends and family and plan how you can all utilise each others skills and help each other
  • Maybe put together some talks for the community and help raise awareness- or print out some flyer's & pass them on
  • Make the time to get to know your neighbours and community- people will need to pull together in hard times 
  • Meditate and visualise how we want the planet to heal and envision the future we want to create
  • Start appreciating NOW. we only ever have each moment at a time, so treasure all that is  good in life and be grateful
Then we get on with our lives as normal and watch/wait for the obvious signs of what might be about to go down first...we cannot really prepare for any potential major disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes, etc but the other 'hits' we can take on and survive if we have that bit of preparations taken care of in advance...
It doesn't have to cost much getting supplies together- charity shops, jumble sales and boot sales are great for clothing, getting rucksacks and other emergency items. I use free cycle online alot when i need certain items- just ask people- you will be surprised how much you can get for free! As for the food stocks, I recommend even adding a minimum of £10  extra emergency food a week to your shopping will quickly add up to nearly £500 worth of extra supply within a year. Obviously, if you can afford more then its wise to invest more...

This is the time for being practical and organised, so I've been busy the past year getting the extra food  and supplies stored away..just incase! Its simply common sense and natural healthy precaution...We don't need to do preparation out of fearfulness..this is out of a LOVE for ourselves and families. Things are very unstable in the world right now, and the food market will suffer BIG TIME.. prices are hiking up now, so i see it as an investment to have my extra cupboard of tins/packets/dried beans/rice./pasta etc... I

Recently, I've been researching how to grow our own veg in containers. There are many approaches to growing your own food, but this is the most practical way for us, as we live in a flat with no garden. This video gives an excellent demonstration of how we can recycle and turn everyday items into home made earth boxes.

Another useful investiment I will purchace is a camping stove with lots of gas bottles..this would give me peace of mind that if the grid went down for ANY reason and there was no electric or gas available in our home, at least we would get through the first few weeks... . another useful item I recently bought from ebay was a trangia stove-'swedish army issue' it is absolutely tiny and portable so can be packed in the backpack easily!

The rucksacks and the tent I bought in last summers sale are ready to be used at a moments notice. Water bottles are being stored as well.. We live in a flat with very little space for storage, so we can only make the best of what we have.. I did buy an army issue small portable water filter- but I will be purchasing a 'lifesaver water bottle' this would be the best investment and these are being sold on ebay also!  Observing the escalating prices of food, fresh veg and fruit I've also decided to invest in a dehydrating machine and am going get busy drying out fresh food and seal pack them for storage. Better to be safe than sorry, plus it helps seal and keep all the natural vitamins and enzymes!!

To be perfectly honest, I go through different stages of this 'survival' and preparation  issue... some months I'm keen to research, purchase, gather and be in 'action' mode, and then other times my mind switches off and I  try and pretend there is nothing real to be concerned about & prepare for...and lets face it, with so many 'doom and gloom'  possible scenarios that we could all face down the road,  its practically impossible to prepare and be 'bullet proof' for them all....we only ever have 'today' as tomorow is yet to be created...
With this in mind,  I now embrace all that is good in life and live in the moment more, trying out new things and venturing down different avenues. Getting a good balance with work, hobbies, projects and spend time with loved ones is crucial, but I always try to keep one eye open and be fully awake to potential events, happy enough with just knowing  the basics have been attended to. .
Maybe the state of affairs globally will settle down and none of us will have to deal with uncertainty and hardship, however, all of my research indicates this is unlikely and humanity really needs to  grow up and wake up to what is happening.  I ask every one of you who reads this to listen deeply to your intuition and the voice of your soul. If your feeling the energetic shift and your intuitively guided to do something then ACT ON IT. Procrastination is the thief of time. Now is the time to be awake and aware... lets join forces and step into the highest part of ourselves and make a difference. I CARE about my fellow brothers and sisters and don't wish to see unnecessary suffering. Join me in taking steps to ensure we look after ourselves and each other.

Its my hope and prayer that as many people as possible start to take positive steps to some basic self sufficiency and preparation in the coming months. This blog is one way I am trying to communicate with a larger groups via social networking. Please help by passing this on to all your contacts and friends. 
Namaste, peace be with you.

Kate Norman